- The Pisti game, the other name is Pisimic.
- You can choose to finish the desired pendant.
- Super Pisti.
- Online playing feature. If you like, you can duel with random players.
Anyone who put the game on the Android device.
Some friends have cursed on their comments. The cause of curses must be defeated.
The game is written in java language and the code is open. People wondering can look at the apk extension file by looking at it. I have not changed the one line code about intelligence in this market which is on the market since November 2011.
- When you examine the code, you will see that the papers are randomly distributed.
- Also friends who say that they have 6 valets, if they can examine the code, I see that I have distributed 2 sheets of 52 sheets of non-recurring papers and that the game is over when 52 papers are exhausted. That means no more than 4 cards can go to anybody.
There is not a word in this vote. I did not even add the ability to judge the papers that were laid out and decide on the papers. Even with this state, many people can blaspheme.
Those who do not know how to play, you can try other games that are less intelligent and play you with one handed pit.