Paper Dungeons is a classic turn-based RPG with non-standard mechanics. Premium version. The plot and gameplay of the game are relatively classic - explore dungeons, fight monsters, defeat the boss and earn levels. I would like to pay special attention to the combat system. Battles take place on a common map with simultaneous turn-based actions. The player and AI have 2 dice in their hand, with actions depicted on each side. Depending on what is rolled, the player and the monster take appropriate actions: attack, reduce damage, apply a curse, steal money from Dragon Tiger, and much more. You can select bones to your liking in the main menu from a huge list, and they differ in the degree of rarity: common, unusual, rare and epic. But this is still a classic role-playing game, so there was a huge list of things and items, levels, character leveling parameters (attack, defense, etc.). The field is a board covered in the fog of war. You need to study it and eventually defeat the boss to complete the level. The game has many locations, unique in their design and hundreds of types of enemies. Everything is controlled by simple taps and, thanks to the step-by-step system, this is all done slowly and deliberately.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 49.45 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newNew campaignNew improvements with 25 achievementsItems (loot ) do not linger on the ground if your inventory is full Supports camera rotation Fixed errors with NPCs, hero icons, etc. Update history-----
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Paper Dungeons
https://rummybs.indate 2024-05-14
Paper Dungeons is a classic turn-based RPG with non-standard mechanics. Premium version. The plot and gameplay of the game are relatively classic - e