Sky Gamblers - Infinite Jets - spectacular action for android devices. Exciting battles in the sky Unprecedented 3D action for mobile platforms that will amaze you with its gorgeous graphics and quality gameplay worthy of a console level. In Sky Gamblers - Infinite Jets, you can take part in epic confrontations in the sky on the most technologically advanced military fighters.In this action game, more than 100 different aircraft are available with the possibility of their improvement and customizaBlackJack tion. Also in Sky Gamblers - Infinite Jets you will have the opportunity to compete for the title of Ace in multiplayer mode. Ultra-mode fighters One of the interesting features of Sky Gamblers - Infinite Jets is the Campaign mode with an interesting plot, which will describe the story of great courage and disgusting betrayal. Detailed game locations of real-life places, various types of enemies, from enemy fighters to heavily armed naval battleships, as well as high-quality graphics - all this awaits you in Sky Gamblers - Infinite Jets.
CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 1.01 GBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newThe game does not work on modern versions of Android.
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